Humans Leading

You Can Do Anything, Not Everything

Dr. Jillian Bybee Season 1 Episode 6

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On this episode, Dr. Bybee shares her current struggle with overwork, a cycle she's quite familiar with as a high achiever.

As a high achiever, it's understandable to find yourself feeling overworked and possibly overwhelmed related to taking on too many responsibilities and having competing priorities. It's easy to lose track of yourself, your values, and your own needs in the process, and this often contributes to burnout.

If you're feeling overworked, join Dr. Bybee on this episode to begin to identify ways that you might take one-degree turns toward the life you'd rather be living. 

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Contact — Jillian Bybee, MD (
LinkedIn: Jillian Bybee, MD | LinkedIn
Blog: Humans Leading | Jillian Bybee
Instagram: Jillian Bybee, MD (@lifeandpicu)
X: Jillian Bybee, MD (she/her) (@LifeandPICU) / X
Threads: @LifeandPICU

If you’re ready to kickstart your journey (or your team's journey) to a less stressed life…then I’m ready to help you! You can get in touch about 1:1 coaching or inviting me to facilitate a workshop for your group, get in touch via my website.

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